Don't Get Me Started

How Donald J. Trump can get my vote


Election Day is two months from today, and sadly we are left with two of the most abysmal choices in the history of the American election process as we decide who our next President of the United States will be.

This is, without question, the worst Presidential election in our nation’s long, glorious and amazing history. Never in the past 248 years have we been saddled with options for choosing our leaders in Washington that, if they were processed meat, would barely qualify for a truck-stop hamburger.

In the past few weeks, we’ve seen the sham of a political organization known as the Democratic National Committee literally throw its only candidate off the ticket and replace him with an individual who earned ZERO electoral votes and was the first of the candidates to step aside in 2020, a California chameleon who is such a phony of a lawyer that she gives the profession a bad name.

Kamala Harris has no credibility in my book and the fact that her choice for Vice President has ties to our home state is of little consequence — ESPECIALLY considering what he did as governor of his state during the aftermath of the George Floyd situation where he literally let the Minneapolis-St. Paul area burn for days as rioters looted and burned everything it could throw a Molotov cocktail at. His dubious record of service in the armed forces and what some call “stolen valor” is also worthy of looking at.

The DNC, like the GOP during the Tea Party takeover during the Obama regime, has completely fallen off the rails when it comes to what their party has long represented. Law and order is not something they support. Common-sense legislation is completely foreign to them. The party has fallen off so much that they can’t even get the human anatomy correct and believe that a man can actually give birth.

Nobody in their right mind will vote for THAT — but what alternative do we have?

What we have is a narcissist’s narcissist — a man who thinks that everything he does turns to gold when, more often than not, it goes the other way (see his casinos, the old United States Football League, etc.). Trump loves Trump and he can do anything you can do much bigger, better, whatever. He’s like the college friend I had who said he could drink a 12-pack of Old Milwaukee and not get drunk — or a bottle of Jack Daniels — or a dozen shots of tequila, and yet was the first one to pass out at the weekend keg party out on somebody’s farm outside of town.

That being said, his first attempt at being President of the United States was one where he was fighting an uphill battle from the moment he first came down the stairs of Trump Tower to announce his run for the White House. Between the leadership of BOTH political parties trying to impeach him and the non-stop propaganda excreted from the mainstream media (both of which continued even AFTER he lost the 2020 election to today), it was a wonder he got ANYTHING done during his first four years.

I’ve long been of the belief that the Republican and Democratic parties do not have the interest of We The People and have historically run candidates who will say whatever they think people will believe to vote for them every four years. From George Bush (Senior AND Junior) to Slick Willie, King Barry and Sleepy Joe, my adult life has been chock full of liars, cheats and idiots being elected to the space known as “leader of the free world” and have avoided voting for either party’s candidates. I’ve endured the slings and arrows of those who think that a vote for a third-party candidate is a “wasted vote,” failing to understand the very simple fact that today’s problems in our corrupt government stems from two sources — Republicans and Democrats — and guess who’s “wasting” their votes on THEM?

I was hoping that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. was going to follow through on his independent run for the White House. Sadly, he recently decided that America’s best chances were to go join Trump’s camp and pull himself out of the race.

(Oddly enough — while RFK Jr. was a candidate, the DNC was making every effort possible to prevent him from being eligible to vote. Nebraska Democratic Party chair Jane Kleeb was busting her butt in trying to keep him off the Nebraska ballot, but as it is with most things she and the NDP are associated with, she failed. And NOW, those Democrats who were trying to keep him OFF the ballot are now trying to reject his requests to be removed from ballots, for fear that him joining the Trump Train is going to hurt their candidate in November’s election.)

So, with RFK Jr. off the ballot, that leaves us with two, um, choices — the political equivalent of asking a death-row inmate if he prefers lethal injection or electrocution as his method of execution. Unless we’re going to write in somebody (Mickey Mouse, J. Edgar Hoover, my mother or my ex-wife are all being considered at this writing — and leaning strongly toward the ex-wife), we have to decide between the sort-of incumbent Kamala Harris, and the former leader, Donald J. Trump.
Let’s just go ahead and assume that I wouldn’t vote for Harris if she were the sole candidate for assistant dog catcher in Jackson. That means there is only one other candidate who I COULD vote for — and here’s how he can get my vote.

Trump has made a name for himself with his name-calling of people he doesn’t like. His affection for colorful language is funny if you’re on a Comedy Central roast — it’s something else when you’re arguing over policies that impact the people who you are (allegedly) leading.

Trump can EASILY win this election by merely pointing out the facts regarding the price of a gallon of milk, a dozen eggs, a box of cereal, a gallon of gas — our economy is spiraling downward and has been since the current regime has been in office. Even Harris herself admitted on the campaign trail recently that the cost of everything has gone up and promises to do something about — even though her regime has been IN a position to do something about it for 3 1/2 years and, as of this writing, has failed to do anything positive.

Trump can also point out the immigration mess in this country, where people are flooding over the border at rates not seen at any point in history. Because of that, crime has gone up, our resources that are meant for AMERICAN citizens are being compromised, and our nation’s security is at an even bigger risk than it was in the days leading up to Sept. 11, 2001.

Trump can point to the gross incompetence at all levels of our federal government right now. Pick a department — ANY department — and you’ll find leadership that is either uncaring about the people it alleges to be serving, or just grossly incompetent altogether (see the Secret Service in the aftermath of the assassination attempt on Trump).

Trump need focus ONLY on these issues and how he will fix them — and it doesn’t HAVE to be the best it ever was, as he likes to claim. In fact, all it NEEDS to be is better than it is right now. We don’t need to be the BEST right now — we just need to be better than that.

Don’t focus on making fun of the other side (leave that job to us professionals) — just focus on what HE will do to make things better. We KNOW how crappy things are right now, and that four more years of this left-leaning lunacy that is the Biden/Harris regime will only dig America’s hole deeper. Put away the sarcasm, lay down the “best-ever” garbage and focus on what you will fix, how you will fix it and what good will come of it.

If Trump can do ALL of that and stay away from the name-calling, the grand-standing and the ill-advised barbs that he keeps tossing — I just MIGHT vote for him this November.

It’s either him — or my ex-wife.